Science is an integral part of a student’s schooling making them informed citizens in a fast-paced world. It is a discipline that provides an empirical way of answering interesting and important questions about everything around us. Science explains so many mysteries about the world exposing us to the amazing wonders of nature which are often blueprints for man-made inventions. Here at St Benedict’s, we hope to ignite the passion of science in our students and maintain their curiosity throughout their years at the College.
One of the goals of the Science Faculty at the College is to actively engage our students in the processes of Working Scientifically to encourage them to become more appreciative of their natural and man-made surroundings, and to become more inquisitive learners to further their understanding of the world around them. The study of Science enables students to develop a positive self-concept as learners and gain confidence in and enjoyment from their learning. Through active participation in challenging and engaging experiences they become self-motivated, independent learners.
Science for Years 7 to 10
Science is a mandatory subject in Years 7 to 10, with students undertaking the study of a range of topics to develop knowledge of the Physical World, Earth and Space, Living World and Chemical World. Each topic is designed specifically to interest our students and is centred around the processes of working scientifically.
In both Stage 4 (Years 7 and 8) and Stage 5 (Years 9 and 10) students complete an independent Student Research Project.
Learning experiences in the classroom are enhanced by excursions to a variety of stimulating venues such as Sydney Zoo, Science Space Centre, The Powerhouse Museum, the Australian Botanic Gardens, ANSTO and various Universities around Sydney. Incursions, such as a Forensics Workshop and STEMania theatre production, are also a part of the curriculum.
High Performance classes are provided with extra opportunities such as the CSIRO Generation STEM program, Science & Engineering Challenge and outreach programs at various Universities.
Science for Years 11 and 12
The Stage 6 Science courses offered by the College will depend on the needs of each cohort. Possible subject choices include Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Investigating Science. These subjects are all taught by teachers who are specialists in that particular area of study.
An Extension Science course is run in Year 12 if there is a demand. Students are encouraged to seek advice and information about these courses from their science teacher or the Science Coordinator.
Co-curricular opportunities
At St Benedict’s Catholic College students have many opportunities to engage in science outside of the curriculum. Information is provided to students about a range of external programs such as the International Science School, Santos Science Experience and L’Oreal Girls in Science Forum. Students are also encouraged to enter competitions such as the Big Science Competition, the Australian Brain Bee Challenge, Young Scientist Awards, Science & Engineering Challenge, Sleek Geeks, ICQ Chemistry Quiz and National Titration Competition. There are also a number of other activities that are run to extend our Gifted and Talented students, including a lunch-time Science Club. Our College celebrates National Science Week annually with a variety of exciting hands-on activities.