At St Benedict’s Catholic College, set in a Benedictine tradition, we respond to the challenge to instil within the students, as modelled by St Benedict, a love of God; a love of learning and a love of neighbour. St Benedict teaches that growth comes from accepting people as they are, not as we would like them to be. We recognise the diverse learning needs of our students, which is demonstrated through the College’s ongoing commitment to assist and support students with additional educational needs within an inclusive setting.
The fundamental principle of the inclusive school is that all children should learn together wherever possible regardless of any difficulties or differences. Schools should recognise and respond to the diverse needs of their students, accommodating both different styles and rates. In addition, there should be appropriate and timely support and services to match the continuum of special needs encountered in every school. Within inclusive schools, children with additional needs should receive whatever extra support they may require for effective education.’ Salamanca Statement 1994.
Our aim is to:
- Ensure students with diverse needs have access to a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum so they can reach their full potential and enhance their self-efficacy.
- Ensure all teachers are aware of individual student needs.
- Educate students with diverse needs, wherever possible, alongside their peers in regular classes; however, it may be necessary to adjust or modify the delivery and/or content of the curriculum.
- Stimulate and/or maintain student curiosity, interest, engagement and enjoyment in their own education.
- Identify and assess students with diverse needs as early as possible.
- Fully involve parents and carers and students in the identification, assessment and delivery of support, and to strive for close cooperation between all agencies concerned.
- Meet the needs of all students with diverse needs by offering continual and appropriate forms of educational provision.